
How does it work?

Each Bootcamp block has a start and end date and usually lasts 4 weeks in total.

The number of sessions available per week/block may vary per location. Check our Bookings page for more information.

You also receive a FREE Nutrition Plan full of great recipes that will help you get healthier and reach your fitness goals.

Each Bootcamp is run by a fully qualified and insured Personal Trainer.

Block Bookings and Pay as You Go

You are welcome to choose either option. Pay as You Go costs £8 per session and gives you the flexibility to drop in to sessions when you can. 

Our Block Booking option costs the equivalent of £6 per session. You are required to book any number of sessions from 4 to 12  per 4 week block. If you miss a session, you don’t get a refund or the opportunity to carry any sessions forward unless there are special circumstances like illness or holidays. We do understand that life does sometimes get in the way! 

What to expect

A mix of session formats that will help shift that stubborn body fat and tone those muscles, getting you fitter and stronger in the process. 

Each session will vary so when you login you won’t know what you're about to do!

Our instructors love planning and delivering a variety of session formats that will keep challenging you.